Includes Certificates

Java with Spring and Spring Boot: Road to becoming complete developer

জাভা বর্তমানে বহুল ব্যবহৃত একটি প্রোগ্রামিং ল্যাংগুয়েজ। এন্টারপ্রাইজ এপ্লিকেশন ডেভেলেপমেন্টে এখনো জাভার বিকল্প তৈরি হয়নি বলে ধরা হয়। জাভার জনপ্রিয়তার মুল কারণ এর portability, নিরাপত্তা, এবং অবজেক্ট ওরিয়েন্টেড প্রোগ্রামিং ও ওয়েব প্রোগ্রামিং এর পরিপূর্ণ সাপোর্ট। এই কোর্সে জাভার বেসিক এবং স্প্রিং ফ্রেমওয়ার্ক শেখানো হবে। সারা বিশ্বে অনেক শক্তিশালী ওয়েবসাইট যেগুলো জাভা দিয়ে তৈরি যেমনঃ ebay, Linkedin, Facebook, Gmail, Netflix, Amazon, Alibaba ইত্যাদি । এছাড়াও এন্টারপ্রাইজ লেভেলের  অ্যাপ্লিকেশন তৈরিতে জাভার চাহিদা সর্বাগ্রে।

কোর্স সম্পর্কে আরও জানতে

রেজিস্ট্রেশন করুন



Course Background
কোর্সের বিস্তারিত

কাদের জন্যে কোর্স: 

  • এই কোর্স মূলত বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় এর তৃতীয় বর্ষের ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের জন্যে যারা এই কোর্সটি করার পরে এবং তাদের ফাইনাল সেমিস্টার শেষ হওয়ার সাথে সাথেই
এই কোর্সে যা শিখবেন


Spring Boot

কোর্স আউটলাইন
31 Lectures
Java from beginner to complete Dev
Environment setup
Understanding Java and It's development eco system
Installing and configuring Java 11
Reviewing basic programming concepts
Data types, variables and assignments
Operators and keywords
Inputs and outputs
Programming and Problem Solving Using Basics
Understanding Object Oriented Concepts and (Inheritance + Encapsulation)
Theory of thinking in Object Oriented approach
Basic discussion of the OOP conceptual terminologies
Inheritance (IS-A relationship) & Aggregation (HAS-A relationship)
Method Overloading / Static binding / Compile time polymorphism
Method Overriding / Dynamic Binding / Runtime polymorphism
Overriding cases while implementing interfaces
All about Interfaces and Abstraction
Understanding Abstraction
Use cases of Abstraction
String Classes
String Literal vs using new keyword
Immutable Strings
Using the methods of String class
String Buffer & String Builder
Comparison of String classes
Exception Handling
Exception vs Error
Checked Exception / Compile time exception
Unchecked Exception / Runtime Exception
Creating own exception classes
Collection Framework
Knowing the classes & interfaces of collection framework
Using the most common collection frameworks
Knowing the best practices and use cases of several collection framework classes
Enums and Generics
Why and How enums
Using predefined enums
Creating own enums and observing use cases
Why Generics
Creating own Generics examples
Upper and Lower Bounds and Wildcards
Where to and when not to use Generics
WHY annotations
Use predefined annotations
Write custom annotations and access metadata
Reflection API understanding and some examples
Creating a basic CDI tool with Annotations and Reflections
Code example and explanations
Basics of Threading
Understanding of Thread
Knowing and using thread classes and interface to create a simple thread
Thread lifecycle
Different thread method examples
Guidelines for further reading
Conceptual understanding and knowing the necessity of JDBC API
Installing a database server
Downloading and using driver class for the database server
Writing and executing database SQL queries with the JDBC API
Working with result set
Spring MVC By Practical Examples
Environment setup (Optional)
Installing and configuring Java 11
Installing and configuring Maven (Build tool)
Installing Git (Version Control tool)
Installing Intellij Idea (IDE)
Introducing common git commands (if needed)
Introduction to Maven
Introduction to Servlet and JSP (Optional)
Introduction to Servlet and Servlet Container
Configuring Servlet Application
Implementing HttpServlet and working with different HTTP Methods
View rendering with Servlet and JSP
Simple form data handling with Servlet and JSP
Core Spring Framework and Server
Downloading application server (Tomcat)
Configuring tomcat server with Intellij Idea
MVC architecture in Spring
Introduction to Servlet & Dispatcher Servlet Configuration
What is a Bean, how to work with it
Dependency Injection in Spring, Application Context and Spring Container
@Component and @Configuration annotations
Dependency Injection in Spring
Application Context and Spring Container
Spring MVC
Spring MVC Getting Started & Creating Controller
Accepting User Input @RequestParam and @ModelAndView
Model ModelMap and @ModelAttribute
Spring MVC Advanced: PostMapping GetMapping
Making a simple CRUD
Installing Postgresql locally
Integrating JDBC Template to make a CRUD (Connecting with a PSql DB)
Setting up different profiles (Dev, QA, Prod etc)
Spring Boot with Modern Technology
Introduction to Spring Boot
Getting Spring Starter Project
Spring Boot Advantages and Overview
Spring REST
Introduction to REST & Postman Setup
Building RESTful Web Services: GetMapping PostMapping
Advanced REST: PathVariable RequestBody
Consuming REST services & JSON processing with Jackson
Spring Data and Persistence
Spring ORM Theory and Entity Creation
Spring Data JPA Configuration & Jpa Repository
Query DSL and Query Annotation
Validation, Pagination, Sorting and Filtering
Paginating data and soring them
Use of validations in project
Filtering data
Exception Handling
Creating Custom Exception
Handle Bad Request Exception and Internal Server Error Exception
Creating a global exeption handler
Spring Security
Introduction to Spring Security
Spring Security with and Password Encoding
Spring Boot Security with OAuth2
Docker and Spring Boot
Docker basics
How to dockerize a spring boot application
Writing a docker file
CRUD Project: Building a Basic CRUD Application
Idea generation and sketching APIS
Implementing and version management
Microservices with Spring
Introduction to Microservices and their Benefits
Service Discovery and Service Registry
Building and Running a Simple Microservice
Communication Between Microservices using Feign
কোর্সের সময়সূচি

Day : Saturday,Tuesday,Friday

Time : 09:00 PM-11:00 PM

Class Start : 16-Nov-2024

Total Month : 5

Total Hour : 100

কোর্সটির সাথে যা যা থাকছে

জব প্লেসমেন্ট সাপোর্ট


লাইভ ক্লাস

ক্লাস ভিডিও


কোর্স ফিচার্স

High-quality content

Industry Standard Course Module

যা জানা থাকতে হবে

ব্যাসিক প্রোগ্রামিং জানা থাকতে হবে

যে সকল পজিশনে আপনি জব করতে পারবেন

Software Developer (Intern)

Associate Software Developer

Software Engineer

Senior Software Engineer

ইন্সট্রাকটর সম্পর্কে
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Jamilur Rahman

Senior Software Engineer, Brain Station 23

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1 Courses

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31+ Lesson

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100hr 0min

With a diverse background in technology and a passion for mentoring, I have been actively exploring various fields since 2012, including animation, graphics, and software development. I hold a diploma in Computer Technology (2014-2018) and started my career as a freelance Android Developer on Fiverr, where I gained 2 years of experience working on a wide range of projects. Later, I joined Brain Station 23 Ltd. as a Spring Boot and Java developer, further expanding my expertise in backend development.

My experience spans both freelancing and corporate environments, providing me with a solid understanding of software engineering practices and team collaboration. I’m enthusiastic about continuous learning and love to share my knowledge with peers and freshers, helping them build a strong foundation and guiding them in their professional journeys. 

Throughout my career, I have been driven by a curiosity to learn new technologies and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of software development, making me a well-rounded and engaging instructor for this course.

রিলেটেড কোর্স